Tuition Reimbursement Payment Program
At Baldwin Wallace University, we value the commitment your employer has made in helping to fund your education. To assist you in reaching your educational goals, BW has developed a program that allows you to pay your tuition at the end of the semester when your tuition benefit is available.
Many employers need to verify satisfactory completion of classes before tuition is paid for a student's work. This means you don't receive the benefit until you've "made the grade." That makes good business sense, but doesn't always parallel a college's billing system. The Tuition Reimbursement Payment Program (TRPP) was designed to support those policies and ease your payment process. TRPP extends your payment due date at a low rate of interest until 30 days after the end of the term. Students forward verification of course completion to their employers and remit payment to Baldwin Wallace University during this time.
Enrolling in TRPP is easy. Just download the two forms below, complete and fax the forms to (440) 826-3073 or email to or Please contact Theresa Blascak at (440) 826-2215 with questions.
1. Application for TRPP and Agreement: Application for enrollment in TRPP needs to be completed for each semester enrolled.
2. Revolving Credit Agreement: This is a one-time form that is signed by all students participating in TRPP. Because we are extending the terms for payment of tuition beyond the end of the semester, the University is essentially making an educational loan to you. In compliance with Ohio Lending Laws, the University must have a signed note when loans are made.
A new TRPP form will need to be completed if you change employers. If tuition reimbursement benefits are no longer available from an employer, please note that it becomes the student's responsibility to inform the Bursar in writing of this change, at which time the student will end participation in TRPP and follow the regular University payment schedule.
Each month you will receive a billing statement that will include unpaid tuition, fees and the TRPP finance charge. Students are only responsible for monthly payments of finance charges at the time they are billed. The remainder of the balance (tuition and fees) is required once reimbursement is received from the employer or within 30 days following the end of the term whichever comes first.
Students participating in TRPP will incur a 5% annual percentage rate (APR) finance charge (.417% monthly). It is expected that TRPP participants will remit payment of the monthly finance charge. If the monthly finance charge isn't paid, interest will compound on unpaid finance charges and any other unpaid balance including tuition and fees.
As soon as the TRPP application and revolving credit agreement are approved and on file with the Bursar's Office, you will be enrolled in TRPP. The code "TRP" will be indicated below the payment section of your billing statement.